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Offline Presentation setup for MacOS
Updated this week

This article shows how to download and prepare an offline presentation if you are on a Mac computer, for delivery to both Windows and Mac clients. You only need to complete these steps once

After this, you can copy-paste it as many times as you want to different devices like an external USB and run it on any Mac or Windows computer.

After you created and downloaded an Offline Presentation

Note: If you are downloading on a Mac with Mojave or older, you must use a third-party tool, "The Unarchiver" to extract the contents of the zip archive. The default application, Archive Utility, does not support files over 4 GB and will produce partial/corrupt files if any of the files in the archive are over 4GB. This issue was resolved on newer versions of macOS, starting with Catalina. Find out which macOS your Mac is using.

Also, the default behavior of Safari is to automatically extract the contents of a zip file using Archive Utility after downloading. If you are downloading via Safari in Mojave or older, please update your browser preferences to prevent this (instructions below).

  1. Safari > Preferences > General

  2. Uncheck "Open Safe Files After Downloading"


2. Extracting the Downloaded Zip Archive on Mac

If you are on Mojave or older, Right-Click > Open With > The Unarchiver.


If you are using Catalina or newer, you may use Archive Utility to extract all the contents.


3. Preparing the App for Mac Users

Perform these steps the first time the offline presentation is launched on a Mac (similar to installing other apps on Mac). This step can be performed prior to delivering to the client to save them time and make it an easier experience:

  1. Double-click the dmg file to mount it. The mounted disk should then appear on your desktop with the “Z” icon.

  2. Double click the icon on your desktop to launch it. This should open a window with the application icon inside (pictured below).

  3. Following the instructions, drag the application from this window into the same location as the dmg file and videos folder (pictured below).

  4. Double-click the application that you just dragged over to launch it.

  5. Accept the prompt about it being downloaded from the internet. The presentation should then open.


To open the presentation again, simply double-click the application instead of using the dmg file. You do not have to go through all these steps again as it is a one-time process.

4. Preparing the App for Windows Users

If you are on a Mac, and you want to prepare the offline presentation for a Windows user, simply extract the exe file and videos folder from the zip archive. You will find an ".exe" file as "YOUR PRESENTATION NAME-win." The Windows user just needs to open that file to run the offline presentation.


5. Distribute

Now you are ready to distribute the offline content. You can copy/paste it into a cloud folder such as Google Drive and share the folder, or place onto as many USBs as you want to share with different viewers.

Please always keep the “videos” folder in the same location as the presentation application, or else the videos will not play within the presentation menu.

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